About this website
This website was built by Sam de Muijnck and Joris Tieleman of Rethinking Economics Netherlands. Rethinking Economics is an international network of students, academics and professionals, working to broaden economic thinking in the society and in the classroom. Through a mixture of campaigning, events and engaging projects, Rethinking Economics connects people to discuss and enact the change needed for the future of economics, and to propel the vital debate on what economics is today.
The Dutch branch of the movement, Rethinking Economics NL, was founded in 2015 and has since organised events, written articles, done interviews and made videos (activities). In 2016 they published an analysis of Dutch undergraduate economics education in the yearly policy advice report of the Dutch royal society of economists (KVS). In 2018 they published the report “Thinking like an economist?” on which this website is partially based.
The website was supported by and received sponsoring from three foundations: Our New Economy, Cardano Education and Triodos Foundation. Joris Tieleman is also a board member of Our New Economy, and Sam de Muijnck works for Our New Economy as a freelancer.
We very much want this website to be a collaborative platform. So if you have anything to add to the materials, or suggestions to improve other parts of the website, please reach out and let us know!