The Debate
So what is this whole pluralism in economics movement about?
The pluralism in economics movement is about making economics a more open discipline, and a more socially relevant discipline. An important part of that opening up space in the economic discipline for other perspectives than the mainstream view. This part of the website has several components.
- Should the discipline of economics always be about studying the economy? Surprisingly, opinions differ.
- Read a brief overview of the recent debate on economics education in the Netherlands.
- Take a wider approach, reading about the history and current situation of the worldwide movement to open up economics education.
- Or go straight to the Discussion platform, a gathering space for ideas about how to structure economics education, with contributions from throughout (Dutch) academia.
Aart de Zeeuw
Het woord economie komt uit het Grieks en betekent regels of wetten (“nomos”) voor het huis (“oikos”). Met het huis wordt dan bedoeld het systeem van productie en consumptie van goederen en diensten, en economie is dan de manier waarop we dat systeem vorm geven. Economie is ook een gedragswetenschap…